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The Miracles We Refuse to See

It was a regular weekday, and I was still in bed praying to my body cells to wake up and give me another chance at the job, for one more day, just like yesterday. Like everyone, I, too, was under the impression that one day this mundane job would get better in terms of money, satisfaction, and, most importantly, it would serve some purpose in life. However, it is interesting to note that the job always remains the same, while the man keeps changing.

Eventually, the majority makes peace with what they end up with, while the rest remain in a state of delusional detachment which places them in a no man’s land every single day. Only a handful take a leap from this enslavement, trusting themselves and their future. I have made a couple of such jumps earlier, and I would mind taking more in the future as well. A big salute to those cheerful jumpers. They live a conscious life while the rest are hypnotised by the societal rules at the roots of their subconscious levels.

My phone rang as I was still lying in bed, making peace with my body. The sudden call brought everything out of equilibrium, and I had to get off bed to collect the phone from my study. It was my colleague who sounded rather dull for his natural energy levels.

He informed me that one of our senior colleague’s sons had died. I double-checked his statement to make sure that it was the son who had passed away. The reason for his death was not apparent as well. I did not try hard to come up with possible death scenarios as I rushed to the bathroom for another quick shower.


I was standing outside the gate of my colleague’s home, whose son had passed away a couple of hours ago. There was no crowd around; in fact, there was no one around, which made it hard for us to zero in on the exact floor of the apartment location. We finally located it on the first floor while looking at half a dozen sandal pairs outside the room. I was the first to walk through the door, and I was face to face with a young man’s smiling face, which unfortunately was not alive.

He was laid inside a glass box in the middle of the hall while our colleague, his single mother, was beneath him, still in shock. I was told that he was thirty, but he looked a lot younger than that. I was trying to locate any possible wound or bandage that must have caused this death, and yet I could locate none. I didn’t ask anything to anybody as I, along with my colleagues, took the day off to support our colleague during her toughest time.

During the day, we made all the necessary arrangements for the people arriving at the place and supported our best for a peaceful cremation of the young man. During this process, I had an opportunity to walk in and out of this young man’s room a couple of times. I noticed a dirty mattress on the floor which had been his bed. There were incense sticks and puja items scattered all around the room. There seemed to be a small stone idol in a corner to which this young man seemed to have been performing puja, day in and day out.

I had an opportunity to have lunch with one of the close members of the family, who was way too eager to speak out everything even before I could open up my ever-questioning mind. This young man was a good student at college. He worked for a while in a firm but ended up losing his job over his temper issues. He kept shifting his job until one day, he felt enough was enough. He got into hibernation in his room in the name of some yagna or Kriya. Thanks to the lockdown days, everything just synced up well. He kept fasting repeatedly and started losing his health.

Even during this time, his anger tantrums never diminished. He told his family that he was about to become something else, and the magical days were near. He was working towards a miracle which was guided by numerous spiritual books and videos. This continued for quite a while, yet his family kept everything under wrap as they believed things would eventually improve. Alas, it got worse when his body started giving up. He lied the same way that morning, like every morning or every night. This time it was lifeless—a life lost in search of miracles.

Man’s Quest for a Miracle

I might not be totally wrong when I say that most people live their life the same way or rather allow life to treat them the same every day. This monotony makes them hate their life more. With this frame of mind, the more they try to change their life, the more it remains the same. Even statistics say that 95% of their day today thoughts are the same and repetitive. These thoughts are basically their fear for the future which may or may not happen.

Given this scenario, if there is something which can get them interested, then it would be nothing but a magic in their life, or to put it safely, they want to see a miracle. This search for a Miracle in their life never ceases to exit.

Life’s Miracles Lie in the Dimensions

Humanity has evolved to a level where it is not only claiming its supremacy over the earth but also putting its sight of dominance over far away planets. It is interesting to note that science and civilisation are making rapid bounds; however, it is leaving back a generation of enslaved people by setting a bar which gets higher every passing day.

Today humans do not have a choice to turn their back on technology. Communications have become so sophisticated that there is simply nothing that can make them go back in time.

This was not the case sometime back, especially during the times of Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras and even Einstein. It would be interesting to know that these people looked at the world way differently than us. They did not like the concept of numbers. In fact, most of them defined their problems by giving them some shape or structure, just like a human being.

Leonardo Da Vinci Notebook

It has been seen that Leonardo Da Vinci’s notes mostly had pictures of animals, mountains and shapes etc. So why should they do that? After all, civilisation has created language and scripts, so why go for a new way of representation?

Well, the answer is dimension. They want to look at a problem in as many dimensions as possible. Their imagination might have been curtailed if it had been a simple linear problem description. But now, by adding a different representation, they can see much beyond what an average person can see.

The same holds true for man’s life. His life can get interesting by the dimension he adds to it and the dimensions through which he sees his life through. This dimension gets better with imagination and creativity. Having said that, I also believe that creativity arises not only by doing the same things differently but also by doing new things every now and then.

Imagination and Creativity - Key to Witness Miracles

Man has become a slave to his senses. He believes what he sees, hears, touches, or smells. Man’s senses are essential for survival, but he must not get bogged down by them constantly. I remember an exciting document I saw on Discovery Channel long ago. It was about a person in charge of studying extra-terrestrial objects at NASA. This person is blind, dumb, and deaf. Now, what in the world can he contribute to his job? Maybe he can. Maybe he can contribute beyond what the world sees.

The world can see, feel, hear, smell, think and intuit. The world can do only this. What if the UFO (Unidentified Foreign object) is beyond this? What if the UFOs are not physical and are just a mass of energy which an average human cannot identify? What if they are something which is beyond the knowledge of human capacity? What if they are amidst us, and we do not sense it? This NASA person is less dependent on sight and sound. He can be a better choice than any other average person.

My reason for adding the above example is that life cannot be bound within the limits of the senses; it is beyond them. After all, all grand theories start with some assumptions. Since we have not reached the pinnacle of science, it is possible that tomorrow someone will come and disproves E=MC2. Maybe his theory has lesser or better assumptions than Einstein’s.

Speaking of creativity, I found it misleading when we relate it to only the inventors and scientists. For me, creativity is there in anything and everything. I believe Shakespeare to be one great innovator. He had bought out human emotions, which still survive in his literature. Philosophy is again one of the great inventions of humankind. Sir Krishnamurthy’s words are still a gateway for a new outlook towards life.

One of the fine examples I must mention here is the great OSHO. He believed in living life the way one likes. To be more precise, it is in synchronous with nature. One of the important explanations I read in one of his books goes like this. It says, “Whenever a person thinks of all the good things that had ever happened with him, his whole body and mind goes through the same condition which had happened to him at that time. It means that it makes him happy internally (chemically). Notably, these incidents might not have occurred, but again, the human mind never distinguishes reality from imagination. If one thinks otherwise, I mean the tougher times, the same bad state of condition applies.

So what is the creativity in here? Creativity is getting our mood straight through our wonderful imagination.

The Biggest Miracle of All – The Universe

Universe has been a fascination for me always. The very reason it is stated as infinite amazes me every time I think of it. So what makes it infinite? And again, even if it is finite, what is its boundary and what is beyond that?

I had always asked this question to my teachers. Well, they can’t say more since it’s all that’s been discovered so far. But there was one interesting answer given to me by one teacher. He said, son, there are various theories about the Universe and one interesting one states that Universe is expanding internally.

I asked, “What? Expanding internally?”

Smiling at me, he said, “Don’t reason when it comes to the Universe.”

The Universe has lots of secrets within. So is our Life. That’s the reason one is yet to define life and the Universe. All I can say is that on an unlimited universe and on an unexplored galaxy and on an untraveled solar system, and on a unexploited earth, we are not even a speck. This speck has a life and has the power to imagine beyond the infinite Universe. Isn’t this a Miracle? Isn’t this Life a Miracle? How pitiful of the young man to lose the most incredible miracle this world could ever see – “Life".


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