I was a part of you before I was born
You are now a part of me even after you are gone.
You haven't disappeared Amma.
You have just dissolved into my Soul.
Then, I have seen you as my Mother
Now, I see you in every Mother I witness.
Today when a child's achievement is considered a Parents Pride
You have sacrificed your life's pride to be your Child's guide.
You have left taken a part of me with you,
I shall sustain the rest of the journey holding a part of you inside me.
You worried for others amidst the worries haunting you.
You held your smile against all the odds.
Friends or Foes, you taught me to love and respect them unconditionally.
Without you, I don't exist; my world won't exist.
Without a mother, no one can exist, and no life will exist.
It's time that I stop thinking of you as a life lost.
It's time for me to make you a feeling which will guide me for the rest of my life.
You always wanted to read my words in Tamil; You Mother brought me closer to my Mother Tongue.
You carried all my burdens all your life; Now I shall bestow all my glory to you till the end of my journey.
I Miss you, Amma; I miss you a lot.
I seek your blessings and guidance forever from wherever you are.
Phoenix Girl
As a kid, you taught me to respect a girl; today, your lessons made me a humble feminist capable of writing " Phoenix Girl".
The creation of " Phoenix Girl " is not my dedication to you, but it shall be our contribution to the World to make it a special place for all Women and Mothers.
