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Life 80 : 20
What is the 80-20 Principle One of the exciting principles that one learns at an MBA School is called "The Pareto Principle", also known...
Lies, Statistics & Other Stories
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. – Disraeli Use this; this sanitiser kills 99.99% of Germs. Don't drive...
Why Unpredictability is Big Business?
"Your entire future reaches you one day at a time." If there is one thing that is directly proportional to unpredictability, then it...
Top Reviews for " The Blue Moon Day"
Review 1: Not the Usual Short Stories By MJF Ln Sarath Babu – Amazon Top Ranked Reviewer A book with a difference. Though I write reviews...
The 4 Habits of Happy People
The world is full of ambitious people trying to grab the next big opportunity. It is no fault of theirs as the society is designed in...
Top Reviews for " A Story Between the Lines"
As an author, I wish my books reach maximum people and their hearts. Their reviews are a reflection of this. My belief that my book can...
Who Got Time?
Don't be afraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin. ~ Grace Hansen It wasn't long back; I was rushing through my...
Ask Santhosh Sivaraj
Answering reader's questions have always been special for me. For the benefit of the readers in large, I have decided to include it in my...
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